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Title IX - Student Protections Against Gender Discrimination

What's New?

2023 Sexual Misconduct Advisory Committee Report

Per statute, the Sexual Misconduct Advisory Committee is charged with submitting an annual report to the Colorado House and Senate Education Committees as well as to Colorado institutions of higher education. See the January 13, 2023 report here and a complete list of their reports lower on this page.

Campus Resources

Visit this page to see individual college and university policies and training on sexual misconduct prevention in Colorado.

Title IX Background

Enacted in 1972, Title IX of the Education Amendments prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational settings. The Colorado Department of Higher Education is committed to supporting institutions as they work to provide safe learning environments free of gender-based discrimination, violence and harassment.

Each institution's Title IX office addresses the following forms of discrimination:

  • Gender-based discrimination
  • Discrimination against pregnant and parenting students
  • Sexual harassment
  • Sexual violence (including rape or sexual assault, stalking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, verbal or physical sexuality-based threats or abuse, and intimate partner violence)

In 2019, the Colorado General Assembly passed Senate Bill 19-007, which among several provisions, created the Sexual Misconduct Advisory Committee. Members of the committee are appointed by the executive director of the Department of Higher Education.

The advisory committee was created quickly and began meeting in January 2020. Their primary charge was to make recommendations to the General Assembly and institutions of higher education on the updated U.S. Department of Education Title IX rules which were subsequently released on May 6, 2020 (and comprised of over 2,000 pages). The committee had to work quickly as the senate bill required they submit a report to the Education Committees of the Colorado Senate and House 90 days after the final Title IX rules were adopted. The report was delivered on time on August 4, 2020 and was forwarded to many different functional groups at institutions of higher education within the state. The report provides recommendations to satisfy the updated Title IX rules and includes policies and methods to reduce sexual misconduct at institutions.

First Sexual Misconduct Advisory Committee Report

The committee is also charged with submitting an updated report to the Education Committees of the Colorado Senate and House on January 15, 2021 and each year after until sunset review in 2023. Completed updated reports are listed below by year:

2023 Sexual Misconduct Advisory Committee Report

2022 Sexual Misconduct Advisory Committee Report

2021 Sexual Misconduct Advisory Committee Report

The list of the exemplary committee members is included on the submitted reports. The members have experience that aligns with one or more of the following roles:

  • A representative from an institution of higher education
  • A Title IX coordinator from an institution of higher education
  • A representative from an organization that advocates on behalf of or provides services to victims of sexual misconduct
  • An attorney who has experience representing victims of sexual misconduct on college campuses
  • An attorney who has experience representing persons accused of sexual misconduct at institutions of higher education
  • A person who has experience providing trauma-informed care.

Sexual Misconduct Summit Planning Committee

As also created by Senate Bill 19-007, a committee of representatives from across the state were selected to plan, convene, and report on a summit aimed to promote awareness, train, and assist in preventing sexual misconduct on Colorado campuses. The list of members is included below. The first summit was held remotely over two days in July 2021.

Sexual Misconduct Summit Planning Committee Members

Federal Action Regarding Title IX Rules

On Friday, Nov. 16, 2018, the U.S. Department of Education announced a new, proposed Title IX rule related to campus sexual misconduct after previously rescinding 2011 Obama administration guidance. The Department’s proposed Title IX rule was open for public comment for 60 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register. The final Title IX rules were released on May 6, 2020.In mid-August 2020, the US Department of Education launched a new web page which provides resources for students and institutions of higher education regarding the Title IX rule changes.